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Ketchikan faces a range of housing-related challenges; many of the same challenges experienced in other communities. These include unmet demand for lower-cost single-family homes, seasonal rental housing, year-round multi-family rental units, and low-income housing, as well as a growing need for senior and accessible housing. This project page is intended to further the conversation regarding housing in Ketchikan. Please provide your input and be kind to each other's opinions. It takes everyone to build a community.

Ketchikan faces a range of housing-related challenges; many of the same challenges experienced in other communities. These include unmet demand for lower-cost single-family homes, seasonal rental housing, year-round multi-family rental units, and low-income housing, as well as a growing need for senior and accessible housing. This project page is intended to further the conversation regarding housing in Ketchikan. Please provide your input and be kind to each other's opinions. It takes everyone to build a community.

  • Denali Commission Grant Applications

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    As described in the January 2022 Policy Session, staff continues to work a multi-prong approach to easing housing issues. In addition to regulatory approaches as described above, staff is also pursuing development of roads in existing subdivisions and the creation of a potential new subdivision.

    In furtherance of road development, the Public Works Director has submitted a Denali Commission transportation grant application for $1,250,000, or half the total project cost. The project would consist of completing the design, currently standing at 65% by Stragier Engineering from 1984; acquisition of all environmental permitting; bid preparation; bidding assistance; road construction, including clearing and grubbing, overburden excavation and stockpile or removal, solid rock excavation, drainage structure installation, imported roadway base rock and D-1 subgrade and finished surfacing, embankment rock sloping, and guardrails throughout; and construction administration and inspection throughout. The total project cost is $2,538,419. The Denali grant, if awarded, would require a 50% match. Matching costs for the $1,250,000 project cost are proposed to be drawn from a U.S. Department of Transportation Rural Surface Transportation Planning Grant and other sources.

    Staff submitted a second application under the housing program for $100,000 for a Strategic Housing Market Analysis and Affordable Development Project. The project will use and expand on the data from the Comprehensive Housing Assessment Project (CHAP) to more specifically identify affordable housing needs; identify partnerships and funding sources; and create an implementation plan to develop a subdivision consisting of single-family starter homes, duplexes, townhomes, and other higher density units.

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  • June 6, 2022 Update - Code Amendments

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    At the June 14th Planning Commission meeting, Planning staff will present the Commission with a code amendment to modify the Borough’s zoning code to do the following:

    • Allow Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADUs) without the need to go to the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP);
    • Allow triplex dwellings in the Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential zones without the need to go to the Planning Commission for a CUP if additional parking is provided – if additional parking is not possible the current process of going to the Planning Commission for a CUP can be used;
    • Allow four-family dwellings in the Medium Density Residential zone in the same manner as triplexes; and
    • Reduce the minimum size for Planned Unit Development rezones from two acres to 10,000 square feet if the only use of the property will be residential.

    Planning staff will also present a code amendment to add Vacation Rentals to the list of uses allowed with a zoning permit. No additional criteria will be required for the permit, but permits will need to be renewed annually.

Page last updated: 11 Aug 2023, 03:59 PM